Friday, February 14, 2014


Valentines Day 2014

Today is Valentines day. A day that many Americans dread. But for me...I love Valentines day because I love LOVE. I love the idea of two people being in love. Loving each other as God loves his people. I love having a day that we can devote to this and go a little ABOVE and BEYOND to really be intentional to show that we love.

Marc and I met in September of my Junior year and his Senior year in college. We started dating in November and now have spent three Valentines day's together. Though we show that we love one another daily it is always nice to carve out special time just to be with each other the WHOLE day.

this is us on our second Valentines together.
I honestly don't know why I never took a picture of the first one.

I have been so blessed by Marc's presence in my life. When we first met I honestly thought that we would just go on a few dates and then it be over (he knows this). I never saw myself falling in love with him the way I have. I had just came out of a serious relationship and he had his fair share of failed relationships as well. We both had had our heart broken, and were both scared to let someone close to it again.

The more that we hung out and opened up to one another about our passions and dreams the more we grew together. Marc was actually one of the first people that I mentioned Graduate School to and I will never forget his response, "do it!" Marc has been one of the greatest supporters in my life. When I need that extra push he is always there telling me his plan for me to get there. 

This year, 2014, is going to bring about so many new changes to our relationship. Marc will graduate in May with his MPA. Get a job in local government and move away from Boone. I will have a year left in Graduate School, and a second internship waiting on me next fall. I always like to gift Marc something special, so this year I choose a gift that will last all year long. Another way of showing my love throughout the year. 

I had other plans to add to this, but the unpredictable weather had other ideas for me. I was snowed in my apartment since Wednesday night and was not able to make it to the store (slacking...I know). 

We tried to go on the Parkway today, one of our favorite things to do in Boone, but the Road Crews had other plans.
We ended up taking a snowy walk around Bass lake, getting coffee in Downtown Blowing Rock, and then catching a movie.

"Your the only one I see love. And thats the one thing that won't change. I will never stop trying. I will never stop watching as you leave. I will never stop loosing my breathe, every time I see you looking back at me. I will never stop holding your hand..I will never stop Choosing you babe, I will never get used to you." 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Michael Jordan Year// Thoughts on being [23]

Yesterday was my 23rd birthday. 
Or as Miley Cyrus likes to put it, my Michael Jordan year.
Or as Blink 182 puts it when nobody likes you. 
Despite the lack of positive song lyrics about being 23, I celebrated as best as I could. 

My birthday, to me, has always been like a National Holiday. I start counting down the days right after Christmas. 
I love celebrating and being around the people who mean the most to me on this day. 
My family always celebrates the day before, because of being off work for MLK day. 

My family came up for the day and we hit the outlets looking for some great deals on clothes. We found them. 
We also enjoyed just sitting around and enjoying a beautiful day in Boone. 
That night, we went to dinner at a Japanese statehouse in Boone. 

(I wish I would have gotten pictures with everyone who came to celebrate, these are the ones my momma snapped to remember the day.) 

On my actual Birthday (Tuesday) I had two three hour classes. 
Boone was calling for snow and it started about 1pm. 
When I got out of class at 3:30 the ground was covered and it was sticking really good. 
In 23 years of life, I have never seen one Birthday that did not include snow. 
Perks of a January Birthday. 

My birthday dinner with friends was canceled due to slick roads. 
The University closed classes after 3:30, so my roommates were able to be at home with me. 
My roommate Karen cooked toco soup (one of my favorite meals of hers.) 
I will have to have her come over to my house one day just to fix it. 
Marc's momma made me cupcakes for my birthday dinner the night before and we had leftovers. 
We ate these sweet treats and watch the marathon of Teen Mom 2. 
My Child Development and Social Work Brain waves were off the chart while watching it.  

Today is a snow day for me from my internship at a local school. 
It is also catchup day for the work that I have not brought myself to do yet. 

Here is to being 23. My Jordan year. Wishing for great things to happen, a lot of memories made, and health and happiness as this new year of life starts off. 


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Me stepping out of the Boat

Its time to get real with you.
Its time to tell you about how I am stepping out of the boat.

I have been following Jarrid Wilson's blog for sometime now. Today I downloaded his book 30 Words to start going through as my daily devotional for this year.

Today the word that he choose to discuss as he opened his book was F A I T H

When I first thought about Faith, I thought about God's grace, God's timing, and God's commitment to us. I thought about the words I had learned in Sunday School growing up, the teaching my parents implanted into my life growing up in a Christian home.

As I read about faith this morning, I did not know how much I would use those words today.

In this first chapter on Faith, Jarrid talked about Petter and how he was a faithful servant who with all his heart loved Jesus. To initiate his faith Peter stepped off the safety and comfort of his boat as we see in Matthew 14:20. Although their were waves and rolling thunder, Peter took a step of faith toward his goal: JESUS.

Now you make ask, how does this apply to me and my day?

Yesterday I started my second semester of graduate school. When I fist started thinking about Graduate school I thought I was crazy. (I am not one who loves school, and it takes a lot for me to make the grades that I do.) As I began looking at jobs that I wanted, I saw how valuable a Master's Degree in Social Work would be.

"Sometimes having faith means engaging in something so bold that you will end up looking stupid if Jesus doesn't come through."- 30 Words

Last semester, I constantly questioned if I made the right choice in going straight through undergrad to graduate school. I made it through first semester, and I was proud of the grades that came along with it. Grades that reflected the effort that I put into that semester of learning to be a Graduate Student and bring my level of thinking to the next level.

Today, once all of the course sylabus' were in my hand, my heart began to beat at a faster pace. The semester was once again starting-this time at warp speed. As I looked over one course in specific and seeing that it was the exact same as a class I had in undergrad, I began to get frustrated and those why's started reappearing.

I cried on my drive home.
The pressure being released with every tear.

Once I got home, I had an email from a Early Childhood Organization that I am apart of with a "policy update"-something that included a pending legislation-something that I could use for my class assignments.

That was a total God moment. Showing me that my faith was so small. Showing that I need to be like Peter this semester and STEP OUT OF THE BOAT!  Showing that like Peter, my ultimate goal is JESUS and Jesus is going to take care of me in getting to the calling that he has placed on my heart. Like Peter, I need to have the Faith that God is going to take care of me. He has placed me specifically in this season for a purpose. I should not question my ability of getting to the end goal because Jesus is going to supply all of my needs.

Today, I encourage you to STEP OUT OF THE BOAT!


Saturday, January 11, 2014

And Second Semester begins...

 I sit her on my bed with a mound of clothes that need to be folded. Three loads of Laundry ready to be switched and suite cases that need to be packed I begin to develop fears for the up coming semester. I begin to wonder how did I ever go straight from Graduating in August (due to a summer Internship) directly into Graduate School without dying?

This Month off from classes and my field placement have been wonderful. I have been able to use one of my many talents: Finishing a Series on Netflix. Make that two.

This past month I have spent time with my family, friends who I have not been able to spend time with, and I have gotten to work with my Babies in Sunday School. This break has been one of so much relaxation that I am fearing getting back into the swing of things on Monday morning at 9:30 am.

This semester, I pray that I will be used in my field placement to reach out to the Elementary and Middle Schoolers that I work with. I pray that I will not be afraid to "sound like a momma" and to remember I am not their friends-but someone who can guide them when needed. This semester I want to connect with a group of believers through a life group or bible study. This semester no matter what comes my way, or what season of life I am in I want to invest in others and know that those in my life are investing in mine.

Here's to a lot of coffee, a lot of studying, and a whole lot of Jesus. 


Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What Are You Doing New Years Eve?

One of my favorite songs about the New Year! Hope you all have a fabulous New Years Eve, and you set resolutions that you can keep throughout the year!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Here is to 2013. Here is to 2014.

I will be out of town for New Years so that I can celebrate the ringing in of 2014 with my fella and his family. I decided that this post on New Years was to important to me to not do, so here is my EARLY New Years Post.

2013 was a HUGE year.
It was a year of excitement, happy tears, stressful tears, Celebrations, successes, burdens and endless Possibilities.

In 2013:
I turned Twenty Two (probably one of the best years of my life)
Had the privilege of Leading my Sorority as their President.
Was accepted into two wonderful Graduate Programs for my MSW. 
Had to make one of the biggest life decisions upon going to Graduate School.
Graduated from Appalachian State with a Bachelors degree in Child Development, FCS and a Minor in Social Work. Became an Alumni of my Sorority. 
Was given the opportunity to spend my summer with the NC Infant Toddler program as their Intern.
Wrote my very first Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) for a wonderful family.
Worked along side of the Best people I could have asked for. 
Started Graduate School at Appalachian State University. 
Moved back in with my roommate Karen. (We transferred from ECU to ASU in undergrad together. She has been a HUGE part in my College experience, and now MSW experience.) 
Became NC Early Educator Certified Level 11. 
Started an internship with a local school with their Counseling department. 
Became a Great Grand Big. 
My childhood best friend became a mom!!!! 
Spent two years with the most amazing man I could ask for. 
Learned to knit.
Made grades I was proud of for the Fall Semester. 
Came home for the WHOLE Christmas Break, and have enjoyed my time with my family, friends and relaxing.

In 2014 I predict these things will happen: 
I will turn 23! 
I will start my second semester of my MSW program. 
I will be getting my own Clients at my Internship. 
I will be leading groups with my students. 
Marc will Graduate from Appalachian with his MPA!!! 
I will spend the summer taking classes, and trying to make some MONEY!
I will finish up my first semester of my last year of my MSW program. 
I will create a list of my own One Thousand Gifts
I will become involved more in my Church in Boone, NC. 
I will get involved in a small group. 

 When looking back at 2013 I am so amazed at how far I have come. How many great moments were apart of this year. How many achievements that have been apart of this year.

 I can honestly say this has been a year of learning, growing, and striving to be the best version of myself that I can. Though this year has also brought pain and disappointments my way, I would not trade this year for anything. I am looking forward to what 2014 holds for my life. I know that at this time next year, I will be just as amazed at the work the Lord has done in my life.

Here is to 2013. Here is to 2014. 


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sunday Social

Today I am linking up with Ashley from Ashley Lately's blog and starting my hand at the Sunday Social. This one is Holiday themed, and since I am home for Christmas break, it makes perfect sense.

1. What is your favorite Holiday Movies/TV Specials?
Home Alone is my all time favorite Christmas movie. I don't completely consider it Christmas unless I have watched this movie at least 20 times. 

I also enjoy watching: 
-Miracle on 34th Street 
-The Santa Clause 1 and 2
- The Holiday 

2. Do you do any volunteering during the holidays if so what? If not what would you do?

My family always does an Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box. I love getting the opportunity to pack a box filled with goodies and needed items for a child in another country. It has always been a dream of mine to be on the team that distributes the boxes to the children. Their is an OCC processing center in the town where I go to College at. Last year I was able to go to the processing center and sort the boxes and pack them to be shipped. The experience at the processing center was so humbling, and a lot of fun. I would recommend it to anyone that has a processing center near them. 

3. What is your favorite toy received as a child for the holidays?
A Karaoke Machine! I got one when I was younger. Though I can not sing to save my life, I enjoyed singing songs for hours on that Machine. I became pretty good at singing Brittany Spears and Christina Aguilera. 

4. What was your must have item in high school for the holidays? 

The style when I was in High School was to have Hollister, American Eagle, and Areopostal clothing. I always wanted clothing with the name of the stores written on them so that you could tell that they were from there. Looking back on it now I see how lame that was. 

5. What do you do on Christmas Eve? If you are Jewish what does your family do for Hanukkah?
My family is always at my Mom's side of the families on Christmas Eve. We open presents with them and sing carols. A few years ago, my Church started a candle light service. Since my Dad is a Pastor, we now go there from my Grandparents. Now that me and my sister are older we do our families Christmas on Christmas eve.