Thursday, October 14, 2010

Finding my home

As I have started my first semester at ASU I knew that I wanted to have a completely different experience than the one I had at ECU last fall. This was a year of new beginnings for me. Many people asked me why I made the switch and that was something I always struggle to answer honestly. I have always been a person to care too much about what someone thinks about me, and I of all people did not want anyone to believe that I could be homesick, and especially the homesick that I was. But after moving into APP and getting my apartment decorated just the way I liked it (which I think is beautiful, buy the way) was that same homesickness going to come back?

I have come to the conclusion that we will always be homesick because we are not home. Earth is not our home, heaven is and until we get to heaven we can not have full and total peace about being home. Though the emotions of leaving my physical home in Statesville and coming to Boone are not at all what they were when leaving for Greenville I still miss that beautiful place, but I must remind myself that home is where your heart is and where God wants me to be. This is my time to learn and my time to grow into the professional that I am supposed to be, and also have the greatest time of my life, but I must remember to seek God for guidance through every step of the way.

As I have been at ASU I have been blessed to get to be apart of a wonderful group of girls, and I can not wait to keep growing with these girls. God is definitely at work in each one of their lives and it is such a blessing to find that, especially at college. So when I am feeling homesick, overwhelmed, or just ready to give up, I close my eyes and have to reflect God on all the blessings that he has blessed me with here at ASU, because my college experience would not be the same without any of the girls in SAO, stress of papers, and of course the exciting weekend trips planned to go home.