Saturday, December 24, 2011

Should a Wiser One Take My Place?

Now that I am growing up I am starting to fully understand the importance of Christmas and the everyday lessons we can take away from this season. Christmas is not about the presents, its not about shopping and trying to provide outlandish gifts for our family. Christmas is about love.
When looking at Christmas I like to look at Mary the Mother of Jesus. This Girl must have been pretty awesome. Mary was a normal girl around my age (20) probably a little younger. She was living out her NORMAL life, engaged to Joseph, but God still used Mary. God used this NORMAL girl to do something unbelievable. God used Mary to carry his son. I can only imagine the fear that Mary must have felt. She truly let God be in control of the situation and put 100% faith in him.
In doing my blog reading today I came across this quote that truly captures what God wants us to take away from this Christmas season. "Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts" (Janice Maeditere). As we continue to this new year we need to really open our hearts to the things God is showing us. Through the opening of our hearts we can truly experience the gift of Christmas, the Gift of Jesus being sent to this earth for you and for me. Mary's heart was open to the position God wanted her in. Open your heart to where God has you today, and really seek his direction for your life in this coming year. There is not a wiser one to be in the position you are in, because God has you exactly where he wants you to be.

I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.

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