Saturday, January 11, 2014

And Second Semester begins...

 I sit her on my bed with a mound of clothes that need to be folded. Three loads of Laundry ready to be switched and suite cases that need to be packed I begin to develop fears for the up coming semester. I begin to wonder how did I ever go straight from Graduating in August (due to a summer Internship) directly into Graduate School without dying?

This Month off from classes and my field placement have been wonderful. I have been able to use one of my many talents: Finishing a Series on Netflix. Make that two.

This past month I have spent time with my family, friends who I have not been able to spend time with, and I have gotten to work with my Babies in Sunday School. This break has been one of so much relaxation that I am fearing getting back into the swing of things on Monday morning at 9:30 am.

This semester, I pray that I will be used in my field placement to reach out to the Elementary and Middle Schoolers that I work with. I pray that I will not be afraid to "sound like a momma" and to remember I am not their friends-but someone who can guide them when needed. This semester I want to connect with a group of believers through a life group or bible study. This semester no matter what comes my way, or what season of life I am in I want to invest in others and know that those in my life are investing in mine.

Here's to a lot of coffee, a lot of studying, and a whole lot of Jesus. 


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