Sunday, January 23, 2011

a trip worth remembering

Today on my post I want to share with yall a journey that impacted my life in such a wonderful way. In 2009 when most high school seniors are thinking about Senior week at the beach with their friends I was anxiously awaiting my up coming mission trip to Kenya, Africa. This trip little did I know would still affect me two years later, and I would still be able to picture the roads of the town, smell the air of the village, and hear the laughter of the children as we walked through the streets. This trip was truly something that I know God planned especially for me to experience-and I am so very grateful.
While in Kenya, my team worked at a orphanage. I fell in LOVE! not only did I fall in love with the children, but I fell in love with working with children, and using my gifts and talents that God designed me to have. I tell many people daily that I can relate to a child more than someone my own age. I am really a big kid that never grew up-and I think that because I am called to work with children, that is the way God wants me to be. As we painted a bedroom for these children and I got to teach Kenyans my age how to paint and share laughter and dreams and fears with each other.
I am so glad that I got to experience this trip. My church is getting another trip together and I so hate that I am unable to go again this year. This trip truly changed my life and I will reunite with Kenya and the other part of my heart that I left there one day soon. I know that God will allow me to go back. He has given me such a passion for this country.

What passion has God given you?
"To have passion, to have a dream, to have a purpose in life. And there are three components to that purpose, one is to find out who you really are, to discover God, the second is to serve other human beings, because we are here to do that and the third is to express your unique talents and when you are expressing your unique talents you lose track of time" Deepak Chopra

enjoy a few of my favorite pictures of my trip.

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