Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Easter Basket I never Got...

Growing up your parents choose how they want their family to celebrate each Holiday. My parents choose for me and my sister to experience Santa, but they choose a different route during Easter. They choose for us not to get Easter baskets, and teach us the real meaning of this Holiday. I am not saying they do not think just because you got or get an Easter basket means you do not know the true meaning of why we Celebrate Easter, but this is something that the two of them decided together when both me and my sister were younger.
Throughout our years, me and my sister have joked about how we were "deprived" children because our parents never got us an Easter basket. I think we may have ONE picture with a basket on Sunday Morning. It was one basket for us to share and consisted of candy. But that is it. When we joke about it my Mom says "Do you really think yall would believe a BUNNY hopped into the house to bring you stuff?" As I grew older, and also grew in my own faith I believe that my parents made a great decision on not to celebrate the secular side of this Holiday. They want us to experience the true reason for Easter- That Jesus went to be crucified on the cross for me and everyone else and rose from the grave.

the one time we got an Easter Basket Growing up.

This is something I want to pass down to my family, and instill in my children. I want them to have the faith background that I grew up in. I want me and my husband to decide on how we celebrate Holiday's and how we show our children the true meaning. I do not want my children growing up thinking for every Holiday they are supposed to get a earthly gift.
On Easter we are to remember that our gift is God giving up his own son so that We can live in heaven with him one day. Jesus was pierced with our transgressions and while one the cross he forgave people who hated him. He called out to God and said "father forgive them for the do not know what they do."
Would you have taken the place of Jesus during this moment? Would you take nails being hammered into your hands so that the whole world could have salvation from their sins? It is mind blowing to me that when asked that question we immediately say "no" or "i'd have to think it over." Jesus did not think it over, he did not say no. He died for us without hesitation. He rose from the grave to show us that he will be coming again.

He died for you, So live for HIM.

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