Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Four Seasons

This week has been a test of the four seasons, and my attitude. I will be lying if I didnt say that weather affected my attitude-so here we go I will lay it out on the line- Weather can make or break my day! (and I know I really need to work with this...I am trying hard!)
Monday started off with a shock of snow. This was not a dusting either, the snow was sticking to the ground. It is MARCH! As I walked to class on Monday all I could think about was how last year at that exact time people were laying in there bikinis on the mall and I was walking around in snow boots, scarf, and snow jacket. Though I was miserable being at college last year, I was praying for God to bring me just a glimpse of that weather. The whole day on Monday I did not feel well and I also was upset about it snowing-though I could not control the weather. I let the weather affect me to the point where I was not happy around anyone. Well God answered my prayers on Tuesday...

Tuesday brought sunshine and NO SNOW! And happiness my way. My two oclock class was canceled and it was just a brighter day. My attitude was just wonderfully positive. I was happy, I was me. I even worked out and gained a little more endorphins to make me even more positive. I was in such a good mood on Tuesday I sat down and wrote two papers that I had just put off because of "lack of time" but really it was me just not wanting to do it. Tuesday was a great day.
Wednesday brought rain, but it also brought change in my heart. I woke up this morning hearing the rain pour. I knew that I had a long day ahead but instead of getting down about the change of weather I started naming good things about rainy days. Here is my list:
rainy days you get to:
-drink lots of coffee
-eat oranges to make your day brighter and make you feel like its summer
-the smell of the rain hitting the ground. (nothing beats it)
-God gave me another day, to bring someone Sun Shine

Today I choose to change my attitude because the weather was out of my control. Tomorrow it will be out of my control and the next day, but my attitude towards things and people are my control. I love reading quotes and this is one of my favorite ones about attitudes:
"I am convinced that attitude is the key to success or failure in almost any of life's endeavors. Your attitude-your perspective, your outlook, how you feel about yourself, how you feel about other people-determines your priorities, your actions, your values. Your attitude determines how you interact with other people and how you interact with yourself." Carolyn Warner
Though the weather may not be perfect God has given each of us a new day and we can choose our attitudes. Lets choose an attitude of gratitude and be thankful for what God has given us on that day, and not be down. Let us praise him even on ugly days.
