Today was actually a beautiful day here in Boone. The sun was shinning, the weather was so nice, and I even wore short sleeves with no jacket. But today was an Ugly day for me. Tuesday's are my LONGEST days of the week, but I also woke up feeling sick: head, stomach, and throat. But my momma always taught me to keep on and not let anything keep me from going-not even a sickness. So as I trekked through campus with my head feeling 5x heavier than normal and going from class to class, I was trying to think of beautiful things that I could thank God over. I came up with a list of five things.
1. I was alive-even though I felt terrible God gave me another day.
2. It was a beautiful day today- unlike Monday's rain and Thunderstorms
3. Boone has the best blue skys just when you need them
4. Someone always knows when your feeling down, I got a sweet voice mail from my boyfriend wishing me a great Tuesday. (That hardly ever happens with our busy schedules)
5. Though I am stressed I need to remember that each day is a new day, and God gives me nothing I can not handle.
So as I got myself through the day and made it straight to my bed when I got home (and have not yet I am reminded of this verse:
My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. Exodus 33:14
Think of some ways God has blessed you, even on the Ugliest of Days!
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